Online Learning Plan


West Fallowfield Christian School Revised Virtual Plan  - November 24, 2020

(Full Time Virtual Students) 

In June West Fallowfield released a virtual plan which we intended to implement if our school was unable to open and had to move to online learning. On August 31st WFCS opened its door offering in-person schooling to our students. Our goal of virtual learning is to provide a quality educational experience within the time and resources available to us. With this in mind we are making some modifications to our original plan. 

WFCS Communication Platforms and Virtual Teaching Tools: 

Parent/Guardian Communication: Email from both office and teachers; WFCS Social Media Pages; REMIND Communication app; and the WFCS website. 

Student Communication: Google Classroom—each student will be assigned a gmail account. Teachers will use this platform to communicate assignments; attach PDF’s and other documents; links to websites; and videos that will be used in learning. Teachers and families may also discuss and agree upon weekly/monthly packets of materials to be picked up and dropped off on the office porch on the agreed specified dates. 

Other Virtual Tools: Screencastify teacher recorded videos; Youtube videos; SAVVAS Website; Zoom/GoogleMeet will be used for live class meetings or one-on-one/small group instruction. 


Teachers will make available on Google Classroom an outline of topics and assignments each morning. Teachers will post links, videos and required worksheets on Google Classroom. 

Teachers will make available one-on-one; small group; or class presentations 2 times per week on Zoom or GoogleMeet. The scheduled days/times will be agreed upon between the teacher and family. A teacher recorded tutorial or YouTube video can be provided on other days if the student needs clarification or extra help in a subject area. 


Students will be expected to complete assigned work each day unless otherwise specified. 

Student or parent will communicate any questions or difficulties to the teacher via email in the Google Classroom to which the teacher will make every effort to reply in a timely manner. 

Completed work will be submitted to the teacher through Google Classroom or returned to the office in paper form by the specified due date. 

Students are responsible for participating in and completing the Specials activities provided in the WFCS Specials teacher’s Google Classroom. These Specials include PE, Library, Art, & Music.


West Fallowfield Christian School Online Learning Plan - June 2020

In the event that WFCS must return to online learning at any point in the school year, we are committed that our students continue to experience care and routine in their daily learning.  This plan will ensure continued quality instruction for our students in the event of a long term closure. The expectations for both school and students/families have been outlined below.

We pray and hope that implementation of this plan is not necessary, however, we want to clarify the roles and responsibilities of faculty, parents, and students to ensure that we are all working together to make the best of a difficult situation.

General Staff Expectations:

- Throughout the term of closure the staff will have the following responsibilities in developing and delivering planned instruction:

- Perform professional responsibilities during typical work hours

- Attend virtual staff meetings

- Collaborate with colleagues, such as CCIU & resource room staff, to meet individual needs of students

- Use the approved digital platforms and tools as outlined in this document

- Provide feedback to students on work submitted electronically in a timely manner

- Monitor attendance at virtual meetings that will be provided a minimum of twice weekly

- Keep track of grades for each student in core subjects

- Provide virtual office hours for students and families to give assistance when needed

Elementary Level: 


- Teachers will be expected to make available, both on the WFCS web page and on Google Classroom, an outline of topics and assignments for each given week by Sunday evening of that week. 

- Teachers' expectations of a daily workload is that students will spend an average of 20-30 minutes per core subject of Reading, Writing, and Math. Social Studies, Science, OR Bible will be included for an additional 20-30 minutes daily.  This is a maximum of 2 hours of learning instruction and assignments per day.

- Teachers will post daily work assignments, videos, and links on Google Classroom by 9 am daily Monday-Thursday.  Friday is a day to complete missing assignments for the week or enrichment.

- Engage in daily communication or tutorials with students via a live meeting or pre-recorded video.

- Teachers will provide a daily (except chapel days) Bible devotion & prayer of approximately 5-10 minutes in length through a live or self recorded video or another link source appropriate for their age group.

- Teachers will forward any lessons provided by the Special area teachers in Art,  Physical Education, Music, and Library. 

**The Preschool teacher will assign no more than 1 hour of instruction & learning activities per day Tuesday-Thursday.


- Students will be expected to complete assigned work each day, that will be due by 8 p.m. daily, unless otherwise specified.

- Students will be given assignments through Google Classroom Monday through Thursday of each week. Completed work will be submitted to the teacher through Google Classroom.

- Students will be given Friday as a chance to catch up on any work they may have missed throughout the week. Any work not turned in by 3 p.m. that Friday will be considered late. 

- Students are expected to attend any assigned virtual class meeting such as Zoom or GoogleMeet.

Middle School Level:


- Teachers will be expected to make available, both on the WFCS web page and on Google Classroom, an outline of topics and assignments for each given week by Sunday evening of that week.  

- For each day, teachers will be expected to give specific instructions and attach links for ScreenCastify, YouTube, assignments, etc. related to the assignment on Google Classroom.  

- The instruction and classwork for each class should provide the students with an average of 40 minutes per subject with suggested 5 minute breaks between working on each subject on a daily basis.


- Students will be given assignments through Google Classroom Monday through Thursday of each week The expectation is that students will complete course work assigned each day by 9 p.m. of that day.  

- Friday will be an opportunity to catch up on any work they may have missed throughout the week. Any work not turned in by 3 p.m. on Friday will be considered late, and points will be deducted. 

- Students will submit completed assignments via Google Classroom.

- Students are expected to attend any assigned virtual meeting via Zoom or GoogleMeet. 

Parent/Guardian Recommended Guidelines:

Establish routines and expectations.  Students are used to working in a set schedule with routines in place in their school environment.   It is suggested that your children begin their daily learning at 9 am each morning then work on assignments in subject areas with suggested stretch/snack breaks of 5 minutes for middle school and 15 minutes for elementary. 

Define a space for your student to learn.  It is recommended that a determined area with all needed supplies be set up for your children to engage in learning assignments & activities.

Monitor communications from your child’s teachers.  This will help you stay abreast of weekly assignments and progress.  

Contact your child’s teacher with any concerns or questions. Working together is key in your children’s education.

Begin and end each day with a “check in”.  Keep asking your children, “How was your day?”  “Do you need help?”  “What did you learn today?”  “Give me a fun fact!”

Encourage physical activity and exercise. Make sure your children move!  This is vitally important to their health, well-being, and learning.  Make it a family activity--movement is important for grown-ups too!

Monitor time spent online. Encourage other activities such as arts & crafts, board & card games, puzzles, etc. to help limit “screen time.” Again, make it a family activity!

Be mindful of stress and worry. Implementing this plan means that some type of emergency has occurred.  It’s imperative that parents help their children manage the worry, anxiety, and range of emotions they may be feeling. Pray and read God’s Word together. Reach out to teachers or administrators to seek guidance in how to best help.

WFCS Communication Platforms and Virtual Teaching Tools:

- Parent/Guardian Communication: email from both office & teachers, WFCS social media pages, REMIND communication app, and the WFCS website

- Student Communication: Google Classroom--Each student will be assigned a gmail account.  All teachers will use this platform to daily communicate assignments, attached PDFs and other documents, links to other websites, and videos that will be used in learning. The Gmail accounts will have safeguards and firewalls attached for student safety. Only the student and WFCS teacher will have access to the account. The account cannot be accessed by a third party from outside of the school.

- Other Virtual Learning Tools: Screencastify teacher recorded videos; Youtube videos; SAVVAS website (formally known as Pearson); appropriate website links to correlate with learning objectives.  Zoom/GoogleMeet will be used for live class meetings or one-on-one/small group instruction.

**Students will be provided with learning opportunities to become familiar with all above mentioned digital resources, especially Google Classroom. This will occur when we begin school in the classroom.  Each student will be assigned their own individual gmail account.

Students in grades 4th-8th are encouraged to bring their own devices for digital learning in the classroom.  Students who do not have a device will be provided with one from the school however it will remain at school unless a closure occurs and a device is needed for distance online learning.

**Parents will have the opportunity to attend an online learning workshop to become familiar with the resources to better understand and help students at home during a closure.

795 Fallowfield Road  |  Atglen, PA 19310  |  Phone (610) 593-5011  |  Fax (610) 593-6041
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